ZON op WATER, continu in beweging
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The essence of engineering submersible FPV, some thoughts
The essence of engineering submersible FPV, some thoughtsJohan Bakker, INNOZOWA, 6-12-2023‘Hide and Shine’Essential for engineering Submersible Floating Solar is to determine the right balance between weight (F gravity), Archimedes (F buoyancy) and flexible buoyancy for example with tubes (F b.flex) Here are some interesting facts, right after engineering our third raft, the basic and scalable one. Both F gravity (minus F b.flex) in surfaced...
Millions subsidy for research into scaling up floating solar panels
artikel afkomstig van H2O actueel ‘Onder welke technologische, ecologische en maatschappelijke voorwaarden is het mogelijk de inzet van drijvende zonnepanelen in Nederland verantwoord op te schalen?’ Om die vraag te beantwoorden heeft een consortium met onder andere kennisinstellingen en publieke en private organisaties een subsidie gekregen van 2,8 miljoen euro. “Drijvende zonne-energie kan een bijdrage leveren aan de energietransitie. Maar...
Will life underwater suffer?
Will life underwater suffer? A floating solar field takes light away from the underwater ecosystem. The impact of this remains too unclear. With INNOZOWA Waterschap Rivierenland and Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie (NIOO-KNAW) research the effect of this increased cover on the underwater light climate and related ecological processes. To do this, the degree of coverage of the field is changed over time (50% and 75%): the lower the coverage,...
Solar PV on water, possible?
Solar PV on water, possible? - To figure this out, INNOZOWA is realizing a large-scale floating solar test set-up. Here, various innovative solutions will be applied, tested, and refined (such as solar panels following the sun, panels that sink and the use of bio-based materials such as bamboo), with the aim of developing an ecologically and economically feasible system suitable for shallow waters. For updates on our pilots, keep an eye on this...
Artikel Global Center on Adaptation
Read the article here: https://gca.org/5-reasons-why-floating-development-is-set-to-take-the-world-by-storm/
Why Innozowa
The Netherlands is gearing up for the energy transition. For the sustainable generation of our energy, we in the Netherlands are looking at opportunities for solar and wind energy. Realizing floating solar roofs on water offers many advantages. So especially for a water-rich country like the Netherlands, this is an interesting development. Meanwhile, the Netherlands has the most and largest floating solar parks in Europe. We see these floating...
The first meeting of the CoP
On behalf of Waterschap Rivierenland, we invite you to a first Community of Practice (CoP) around INNOZOWA (INNOvative ZOn on WAter). This invitation is specifically addressed to colleagues from the water sector and knowledge institutions who have previously expressed interest in this project. The CoP is intended to share knowledge and insights about solar on water and the continuation of our project together. The first meeting of the...
Our reporting for the period 2017 – 2020 public
Opening pilot installation September 20, 2019 in Weurt
After two years of hard work, the pilot installation INNOZOWA or INNOVative ZOn-Pv on WATER is completed. Solar energy is generated from water in a revolutionary way on a lake in Weurt.
Press release – Innozowa: a perspective for sun on water
Opening pilot installation September 20, 2019 in Weurt
After two years of hard work, the pilot installation INNOZOWA or INNOVative ZOn-Pv on WATER is completed. Solar energy is generated from water in a revolutionary way on a lake in Weurt.
Floating solar panels: a solution for energy and water management goals
Floating solar panels: a solution for energy and water management goals
Recently, Rivierenland Water Board, Blue 21 BV, Hakkers BV and TU Delft signed an agreement for the joint realization of a revolutionary way of generating solar energy from water.
Under the name INNOZOWA, the project starts. The name stands for INNOVative ZOn-pv (solar panels) on WAter, which involves working on a flexible design, making optimal use of the available space and all this at a competitive price.